Why Microbial Dosing?
Reduce harmful chemicals, lessen offensive odours and prevent high repair bills with Automated Microbial Dosing.
An automated system that we install and maintain. It works in the background while you focus on your business.
Protects your plumbing from damage and unexpected costs from unclogging pipes.
Perfect solution for commercial and industrial spaces, especially restaurants.
Saves money – a preventative solution.
How does it work?
We install an Automated Microbial Dosing system that connects to your plumbing system, grease traps and grease pits.
The system works in the background, releasing small quantities of a specially formulated product to break down fatty deposits, proteins, oil, grease, carbohydrates, hydrocarbons and cellulose.
We maintain the system and refill the product as necessary. On a monthly basis.